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Faith Online Campus
"The LORD your God is in your midst, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet your soul with His love, and He will rejoice over you with singing."
-Zephaniah 3:17
When was the last time that someone delighted in you and rejoiced over you with singing? When was the last time that your soul was quiet? In the middle of the demands of this hectic world, we tend to get caught up with the demands and responsibilities that pull us in a thousand different directions. For that reason, we have to be intentional about shutting out the world and focusing on Jesus.
The Faith Online Campus is a great way to accomplish this! We invite you to pause for a bit and explore and invite the Spirit of God to saturate your weary soul! Regardless to if you attend worship with Faith Christian Church, or have merely stumbled across us, please know that you are extremely important to God and to us!
Campus Resources

Pastoral Care
*Welcome from Pastor Lisa Sherman
*Zach Williams- "Chain Breaker"
*Clayton Jennings- "Jesus Is"
*Chris Tomlin- "I Need You, Lord"
Lord God,
Before You, I come.
I come with a broken and tattered heart.
I come with a past littered with poor choices and fractured relationships.
I come with all my failures and sorrows.
I come with the hope that You are what You claim to be, and the fear that You are not.
I come because I cannot carry the burdens of this world much longer.
I come, with nothing to offer You except my heart, which is barely held together.
I come, to ask for forgiveness and for You to breathe new life into my heart, my family, and my life.
Lord, I come.
*If you just prayed this prayer,
please email Pastor Lisa for follow up Pastoral Care...
*Mary Mary- "Yesterday"
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