Sunday Morning Worship
Unified Service @ 10:00 am (In the Sanctuary and on FaceBook Live)
Sunday School @ 11:15 am
Upcoming Sermon(s)
*Advent Week Three JOY
1) Christmas Holiday Potluck
* December 10, 2023 12pm
2) Christmas Eve Service
*December 24, 10am

Wednesday Fellowship
F.U.N. - 'Family Unity Night' Potluck @ 6:00 pm
(In the Fellowship Hall)
Faith Groups
*Monday Morning Bible Study Group - Mondays @ 9am
*Faithful Hands Ministry - 1st and 3rd Saturday of month @ 10am

Community Partnerships
Toastmasters - every Wednesday @ 12pm
SANE Recovery - every Thursday @ 6pm
NA Recovery - every Thursday @ 6pm

*Faith Council Meeting - 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7pm
*Staff Meeting- 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 5pm
Special Events
*Hanging of the Greens 11/26/23 10am
*Living Nativity 12/2/23 5:30pm-8:30pm
*Sunday Morning Bible Study 11:15am
*Monday Morning Bible Study